Found the Pollock!

It’s been a while now since I had a huge haul of Pollock! Playing in the Devils playground last night (MOD property) put an end to that. I’m pleased to say there back ( not really sure they ever went anywhere ) I wanted to fish with plugs, something I’ve neglected for a while now. I picked up a super little ecogear from our new lure shop in Plymouth. First cast yesterday seen a few follows from sea trout!


I had a good number of pollock at good sizes too on the little beauty from ecogear.
My mate Danny hooked a schoolie Bass using power isome ( and my new Graphiteleader compatto travel lrf rod, which he loved!!The little travel rod had some bend in it and looked great under the pressure of the Bass which was jumping clean out of the water! From then on Danny was on a roll, he must of had over 50 pollock out fishing me three to one 😦
I was using my Nories UL rockfish bottom my previous favourite rod. I blame it on me not being used to the rod ha .Most of my recent sessions have been using a Nories slow retrieve 710 but I managed to snap the tip casting what must be no more than 2grams 😦 ( a 1.8g and strawtail)
I await to see what happens about that So for now my New Favourite LRF rod is the graphite leader LRF . Did I mention how great it fishes and how awesome it looks while packed away in its little biddy hard case.
I switched over to soft plastics to try and catch up with Danny.
This Pollock was taken on the aquagear stuff.


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